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发布日期:2022-03-29 23:18    点击次数:101


暗杠:drawing a tile by oneself, making four similar tiles of a kind and putting them face down 暗坎:concealing 3-tiles in order of a kind 八圈:eight rounds of play 边张:side tiles 吃张:drawing 抽头:the kitty 筹码:counter; chip; dib 出张:discarding a tile 大满贯:grand slam 单钓:waiting for one of the pair to win 单听:awaiting the only one necessary tile to win 地和:going out or winning a hand after drawing only one tile 吊牌:fishing; awaiting one’s winning tile 对对胡:winning with all paired tiles 对门:opponent sitting opposite to one 对碰:waiting for two tiles to win; making two pairs 杠后开花:drawing a tile, after a gang, from the end of the wall to win the game 跟牌:following suit 进张:drawing a useful tile 扣牌:holding up a tile 拦和:be won by one’s left or opposing opponent with the same tile one needs 连庄:remaining the dealer 牌友:matching play 平和:a win without points 七对:seven pairs 砌牌:forming the wall of stacks 清一色:all of one suit; flush; having all tiles in one suit 全字:pure characters 缺一门:lacking a suit 三缺一:three players looking for one more player 上家:opponent on the left 十三幺:the thirteen orphans(1,9,and one of each character) 天和:a natural win; a heavenly hand 跳牌:skipping 听牌:waiting for the one necessary tile to win 洗牌:shuffling the tiles 下家:opponent on the right 一对:one pair 一番:one time (in scoring) 一圈:a round 一条龙:a complete sequence from 1 to 9 诈和:declaring a false win 庄家:dealer 自摸:winning by one’s own draw 做相公:be unconscious of a shortage or surplus of tile

第一局庄家随机定,由坐庄者掷骰子,将掷出的骰子点子数相加,按逆时针方向,数到谁家,既从该家门前起牌。从什么地方起牌则由该家掷骰子决定,把该家所掷骰子数和加上刚才坐庄者所掷骰子数和相加,其值为起牌点。例如:庄稼掷的骰子数和为 10 ,按逆时针方向数,该从下家(南家)起牌,再由下家掷骰子,其骨子数和如为 5 ,既庄家从下家门前码放牌的第 10+5=15 墩后面开始起牌。每次四张,依次起牌,如果所掷骰子数的和大于门前牌的墩数,则依次向下位选手门前的牌顺延。

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